13th Annual Bootcamp in Langley, WA (Whidbey Island)

13th Annual Bootcamp in Langley, WA (Whidbey Island)
08/20/2024 05:00 PM
Until 08/24/2024, 12:00 PM 3d 19h

13th Annual Bootcamp in Langley, WA (Whidbey Island)

Join me for our 13th annual songwriting and guitar bootcamp held at the home of  Dr Grethe Cammermeyer and Diane Divelbess.  We start on Tuesday evening after dinner and work through Saturday noon after which I do my annual concert for the Island.  We work on guitar and songwriting (mostly songwriting) with song circles in the evenings.  Housing is included as well as all food and drink.  Reservations can be made through Grethe by emailing her at grethe@cammermeyer.com


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