07:30 PM
05/04/2024, 09:30 PM
Music on Centre in West Roxbury, MA presents Tret Fure
Music on Center is held at the parish hall of the Theodore Parker Church Parish Hall. The address of the church is 1859 Centre Street and the address of the parish hall, right behind the church, is 70 Corey Street
Doors open at 7:00.
Admission is $25 for adults; $15 for 21 and under. You can pay with cash or credit card. Cash preferred.
Reservations can be made by emailing musiconcentre@gmail.com. Telephone for more info: 617-327-0542. There is also information about the show on the church website www.tparkerchurch.org/events but reservations are not made through the church office.
Hot and cold non-alcohol beverages and desserts for sale during intermission.
Free parking nearby.
Wheelchair accessible.
the parish hall is filling fast and that reservations ( but not advance payment) may be necessary to get a seat.
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