10:00 AM
07/28/2024, 10:00 PM
2d 12h
Tret Fure to play Falcon Ridge Folk Festival
I will be performing at this year's 36th annual Falcon Ridge Folk Festival which is held at the Goshen Fairgrounds in Goshen, Connecticut. The festival occurs from Friday, July 26 through Sunday, July 28.
Tickets are now on sale for this year’s festival from our Tickets page.
Donations to the festival for the LiveStream or other can be made via Paypal.me, Venmo (web), or from the Venmo app: @FalconRidgeFolks), or by check, made out to “Falcon Ridge Folk Festival” and sent to: Falcon Ridge FF, POB 144, Sharon CT 06069.
Come for a fabulous weekend of music, dance and festivities!
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