A Still Small Voice 4U presented the 2023 Phil Ochs Award to Tret Fure in recognition of her music and activism for social and political justice in the spirit of Phil Ochs. Tret was presented with a plaque commemorating the award and a cash stipend of $2000 at the Old Songs Festival (Altamont, NY) on Saturday June 23,2023. The award was presented by Phil Ochs’ sister Sonny Ochs and by Ron and Kathy Cooke representing A Still Small Voice 4U which sponsors the award.
The Phil Ochs Award is presented annually by A Still Small Voice 4U Inc. (ASSV) a 501(c)3 not for profit devoted to encouraging and supporting arts, music, literature, culture and community. The award is determined by a national panel of judges. ASSV directly supports individuals and organizations that share its mission and commitment and sponsors concerts, exhibits, performances, readings and community activities. More information is available at http://www.assv4u.com/.